Category: Understand
The Intelligence Renaissance
Standing at the Edge of a New Age Every so often, a shift happens that changes everything—not just an upgrade, not just an evolution, but a fundamental transformation in how we think, work, and live. Right now, we are in the middle of one of the biggest shifts in human history. I’ve been calling it The… Read more
Supercharging SME’s with AI
Ability is Advantage Canada has faced persistent productivity challenges, which have contributed to slower GDP growth compared to other advanced economies. Despite its rich natural resources and well-educated workforce, Canadian firms have been slower to adopt new technologies and scale up innovative practices, leading to a productivity gap. SMEs, in particular, struggle with limited resources… Read more
Small is the New Big
The article Small is the New Big by Brady Gilchrist challenges the conventional view of small businesses as a monolithic category and argues for a more nuanced understanding of their diverse needs. While small businesses are often celebrated as the backbone of the Canadian economy, the article highlights how their challenges vary significantly based on size, resources,… Read more